Targeted Marketing Implementation

Our teams designed and implemented a geographic-based targeted marketing system for a nationally recognized brand.


Client operates a national brand with hundreds of high-end locations. Many storefronts sell hundreds of thousands of dollars in inventory on a daily basis, which added several layers of complexity to marketing and logistics operations.


Our team was able to analyze multiple client systems and datasets. Through our review, we were able to identify a low-effort integration that allowed our client to leverage location data and order information to optimize advertising campaigns and operations activities.


Using a combination of PowerBI, Python, and marketing tools, our professionals guided the client through multiple integration points with databases, datawarehouses, and advertising APIs in order to complete the solution.

The PowerBI dashboard was used to gather business intelligence about product sales, plan shipping operations, and determine where a new product may be successful based on related products.

In addition, our team also guided the client through additional integration and automation processes that allowed the marketing team to build dynamic, location-driven advertising campaigns. These campaigns included internet advertisements as well as dynamically generated coupons and emails.


As a result, our client was able to realize an estimated 10% improvement to revenue by reducing losses from unsold products and wasted inventory space. Client also realized better optimized warehouse shipments as well.

In addition, our client was able to reduce marketing expenses and increase advertising conversion, realizing an estimated 15% reduction in marketing expense and a 20% increase in conversion.

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– Team Llama 🦙